Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Snow fun

It snowed plenty while we were in Utah, much to Conner's delight! He wore his snow pants around the house almost all the time, and refused to take them off except when threatened! We were really fortunate, though, because we traveled on days where the roads were clear and dry. Had we driven up one day earlier or later it could have been really scary. It was nice to have a white Christmas, and two weeks of snow is enough to last me until next year!

This is the view of my parents' back yard the morning after Christmas.

Conner and Mark's snowman

Evan tubing on his belly! (Still wouldn't wear a jacket!)

Conner going down the hill with my Aunt Amy

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas adventures

Yes, we survived our annual Christmas trip to Utah. It started out less-than-enjoyable with a violent case of stomach flu. The night before we were supposed to leave, Evan woke up at 10pm throwing up and threw up every 20 minutes until four in the morning. It hit Mark and I in the night as well, and Andrew the next day. We sent Conner over to Grandma's house in the hopes that he might not get it, but he did and so we left two days later than planned. Andrew kept throwing up for about 10 days and it turned out that he had pneumonia, bronchitis and an ear infection. Conner and Evan also got ear infections, so we pretty much all had a course of antibiotics before the trip was over. The kids did have a lot of fun on Christmas, of course, and really enjoyed staying at Grandma and Grandpa Bigler's.

Present time!

The light sabers were a big hit!

Andrew throwing the classic tantrum. How do kids know how to do this? I think they're born with it.....

Evan's newest thing is pretending to be a dog, and sometimes he asks for "a drink of water like doggies". The other two have to join in on the fun, of course!

This is a sight you'll see at my house most every day. What is a girl going to do??

Andrew warming up his own snack.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Light at CALM

The Christmas Lights at CALM are a fun annual event, and the kids seemed to enjoy them. Evan was really fascinated with Christmas lights this year, but unfortunately he has flat out refused to wear any type of jacket or coat since it started to get cold! He was also afraid of Santa and wouldn't sit for a picture (stubborn little bugger!)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jaidyn turns 5

Jaidyn had her party at Pump It Up this year, which the kids always love!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Making Christmas cookies

I know it's a bit early for this, but for some reason I just got the bug to make frosted sugar cookies. Maybe it's that whole nesting thing--who knows! After I get going I always wonder what I was thinking, but the boys did have fun!

See, we do get fall November

I took this picutre on Nov. 19. Seriously. Leaves are changing all over the place here!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Evan really doesn't want to go to bed

I told Evan it was time to get his pajamas on and went to get them. I set them down and went to do something else, and then I couldn't find them. After looking around for quite a while, I finally figured out that the little bugger had thrown them behind the couch. Evan really didn't want to put his pajamas on!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall Family Campout

The cub scouts fall family campout was Nov. 7, 8 and 9 out at Lake Ming, which is only about 15 minutes away from our house. It was great because I could bring Evan and Andrew out during the day. I don't think we're quite ready to all brave it in a tent; I'm pretty sure there's no way we would get any sleep! Conner had fun though, until a storm blew in Saturday night and they got rained on!


Phillip, Conner and Evan at the flag ceremony

Friday, October 31, 2008


We had two Halloweens this year, because trunk-or-treat at the church was Thursday night and we also went out for a bit on Friday night. Conner chose a clone trooper costume and Evan went as a 3-year-old. Last year he threw a screaming fit when we tried to put a costume on him, so this year I decided I wasn't going to bother getting him a costume unless he said he wanted it. Even at the school's Halloween festival with all the other kids dressed up, he just wasn't interested! Evan did get really into the trick-or-treating this year, which was cute.

Conner's parade at school

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cub Scouts

Since Conner broke his arm again and couldn't do soccer this year, we decided scouts might be a good alternative. He also has a good friend who is in scouts so that makes it even better! Conner earned his first badge on their campout, but since I didn't go on the campout there aren't any pictures of it. But here is Conner getting his first badge!